"Paint the picture of your life, live it, and make it a masterpiece"!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Scale addict!!

This is how my scale looks, its a healthometer and it tells me how much I am up and down, and it keeps track of my weight. Pretty nifty, huh. Guess what - I have a confession. I am addicted to weighing myself. I weigh myself atleast 5-10 times a day. Its starting to become an obsession!! At first, I had it under control. I was weighing myself once a week and everything was all good. Then, I went and got a scale for the downstairs bathroom so that I could have a scale on both levels of the house without walking too far to get to it. I weigh myself after I use the bathroom in the morning because I don't want my morning tinkle to add a few oz's to the scale - thats crazy huh?
I weigh myself after breakfast
I weigh myself before I leave the house
I weigh myself when I get home
I weigh myself before the gym
I weigh myself after the gym
I weigh myself at the spur of the moment
I weigh myself right before bed
I weigh myself during the nightly trips to the bathroom
I weigh myself EVERY trip to the bathroom

Well, my husband said hes going to take the scales to work and give them back to me on friday. Theres a scale at the gym, but I doubt I will weigh myself on it because its in the locker room and I don't want the other girls to see me get on it and watch me move the manual thingy-ma-jig to 150+lbs
I hope he follows through and takes it to work. I really need to back away and stop weighing myself. My weight fluctuates between 3-5 lbs lost and gained throughout the day. In the morning is my favorite time to weigh in. It usually has me at 182-185 which is great...well thats all for now...there, I admitted it. I have an addiction. Its not that bad, or is it? Well, I will talk to you later:)


  1. It's okay girl ... o_0 you are NOT alone ... I'm working on my obsession too ... It can seriously drive you crazy ... I'm good for at least checking 5 times a day ... at least your husband will take it away to bring back later ... my fiance threatened to throw mine away permanently ... if he kept seeing me on it ... lol ...

  2. i would love to have never known what a scale is lol. i personally weigh about 2x a week. but i can see how obsessive it could be. its a nagging curiosity to see if the scale has went down just another lb or two. i hope hope hope your husband takes them to work haha. maybe you should find something else to run to. like a diversion of sorts.

  3. I weigh myself in the morning after I pee to...lol. I weigh myself 2 times a week... once half way through so I can see how I'm doing, if I need to step it up or not. I don't think anythings wrong with you. I do think it will help you if your hubby takes it to work! Your doing fabulous!

  4. Haha you are addicted to the scale!! I definitel weigh myself after I use the bathroom in the morning!!


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