"Paint the picture of your life, live it, and make it a masterpiece"!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I Cheated

Guess what everybody. I am so disgusted with my choices
I gave into temptation, the fat girl inside just couldn't say no.
I feel so bad, but it was sooo good!
Actually, it taste like old grease and grade F beef, but ...

I just ate a whopper w/cheese = 670 calories
and I ate a medium sized french fry along with it = 360 calories
Thats a total of 1300 calories of which most was from fat
I'm going to work on the elliptical tonight for a whole hour
That should burn 650-700 calories easily...
Hey, we all cheat sometimes. I blame my husband!
Hes the one who got off work early and said he wants Burger King!
He sent me to the store to get it, it smelled so good that I had to have some
but unfortunately, I am regretting it to the fullest right now.
Don't worry you guys, I am not going to cheat like this forever,
This was just a small episode, and I am too determined to win.
This morning I got on the scale and it said 179 so I have to stay in the 170's
because I've never been in the 170's

Well that is all for now


  1. oh well things happen one day is just that one day.

  2. Congrats on being in the 170's. You did a lot better than me because all last week I ate horrendously! I love your discipline to keep on top of your game and to keep kicking off the fat! You deserve a digital high five! :O)

  3. Know what, i have this great book entitled "French Women DOn't Get Fat" by Mireille Guiliiano. She said there that the more you restrict yourself, the more that your body would elicit vengeance by craving for it. SO to counter that, you should stop removing foods. A good tip is to do the 50% soultion: cut the meal in a half. Then after eating it, contemplate for a while if you really need to eat more, before you indulge with another half. And if you realixze that you are not really hungry that much anymore, then you win! Also, indulgences are necessary for maintainance of diet. You cannot restrict your body with a particular favorite food for too long (it will only lead you to wanting it more, and then you will binge). Let's say, you indulge at least once or twice a week but in controlled portion. Not that bad right? Oh well, just read the book, it's definietly a good one ;)

  4. Congratulations on hitting the 170's!! That's a huge milestone!

  5. Keep on keeping on. I call these times as 'teachable moments', not failures. Just stepping stones to the success that lies before me. Fantastic job hitting the 170's girl...

  6. CONGRATS!! So happy for you girl! And don't stress over your slip up. It's bound to happen once or twice!? Forget about that and smile big you just made another one of your goals!!

  7. I'm jealous that you're in the 170s... well done!

  8. Hey Diva!! Congrats on reaching the 170's!! I can't wait to get there!! Hey, you cheated, it's over, in the past...move on and enjoy your accomplishments!!! 170's !! WHOOHOOOO!!!

  9. I'm feelin ya! I've definitely had those days:)

    Don't worry, you'll get back on track right away!

    Can't wait to hear how you like your Vitatops!

  10. The point is, you right back up on the horse.


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